Together for greater resource efficiency
Over the next few years, six research teams will work together in "KuRT" to promote the economic and resource-efficient recycling of plastics and thus pave the way for the sustainable use of plastics. They will receive support from the team of the networking and transfer project "KuRT_Plus". "KuRT_Plus" promotes the dialogue between all project participants. The aim is to identify potential synergies at an early stage and to generate synergy effects in the projects. Among other things, cross-sectoral and cross-technology issues are to be defined and discussed in working groups.
In addition, "KuRT_Plus" supports the networking of the funded projects with experts from industry and science as well as with the interested public. The aim is to support the transfer of the project results into commercial practice. This is achieved, among other things, through cross-project public relations work and the provision of up-to-date information material. In addition, various target group-specific events are organized, such as status conferences, discussion forums, political dialogues, and a final transfer conference.
In addition, networking with related national, European, and international initiatives and the presentation of the funding measure at specialist events are planned. The aim is to inform all relevant stakeholders in the value chain and target groups representing businesses, politics, scientific organizations, as well as environmental and social interest groups about the developments in the funding measure, and to involve them into a dialogue with the research teams in the funding measure.